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Benefits of Snack Business

The development of the times made people began to be moved to start a business, even though it was only small. Obviously, finding a decent job right now is not easy. Many high school / vocational graduates who only work as they can or part-time jobs.

Such conditions are what triggered the increase in unemployment in the beloved country, Indonesia. There is not enough provision for them to be able to compete in the world of work that is getting tougher and tighter selection process (unless there is an inside person).

Even if they already have provisions from various trainings, both organized by the government and non-government, still the competition in the world of work is getting tighter. Now, they (stakeholders) need a lot of labor with adequate experience, at least 1 year in the field.


What do you want to do with a fresh graduate?

Not only high school / vocational graduates who feel this way. Graduates of public and private universities (D1 / D2 / D3 / D4 / S1) are still difficult to find work. In fact, to cover this, not a few continue their studies to a higher level.

He said, "the higher the level of education, the easier it will be to find a job". Not even! There's still a lot of educated unemployed people running around the country. Just check the latest data in BPS (Central Statistics Agency).

Well, one of the solutions to solve the problem is by entrepreneurship. By entrepreneurship, you not only reduce the number of unemployed in Indonesia, but also increase the number of jobs. 

If you are able to open a job, then how much reward can you get. Indirectly you have helped people who were initially unemployed, then got jobs. 

Getting to Know the Snack Business and Its Benefits

One of the business models that you can persevere with is the snack business. Why the snack business? There's no specific reason why I'm suggesting you go into this business. But, at least some of the following reasons can be considered for you to run a snack business.

A lot of people like to snack

Speaking of snack business, then your target consumers are those who are in the age of 15-30 years. It's at that age range that people usually like to snack.  In fact, people who are at the age above that there are still people who like to snack.

Usually, snacks are used as friends, such as school children when doing tasks or employees at work. On the other hand, snacks also become friends relaxing, hanging out, discussions, meetings, and others. There are many benefits of snacks, and almost every day, everyone consumes snacks.

So, no loss if you build a snack business. Even if you don't have capital, now many snack agencies offer businesses with reseller systems or drop shippers for those who lack or do not have funds.

It doesn't take much capital

As I said before, if the snack business is a capital friendly business. This means that you can still do so even if you don't have or lack funds.

It's easier, if you have enough capital. It will make it easier for you to grow your snack business. The estimated capital you need is only 10 million rupiah, or it could be less than that.

There are many snack business models that you can work on, such as re-packing, home made, agents, and distributors. Of course each of these requires different capital. If you want to be a snack distributor, of course you have to have a big capital. I suggest, as a start you run a re-packing system only. 

Not complicated

Why do I say it's not complicated? Because without having a production house, you can still do the snack business, namely by repacking large-sized products into products with smaller sizes. 

I think, re-packing system is not a complicated thing, because you do not bother to produce it. You can simply provide exciting new packing to easily get consumers. To make it more interesting, add a label sticker.

Don't forget to include the captions "produced by" and "packaged by" on the label you made on the new packing. It aims to reward manufacturers who have made such products. In addition, also so that you do not be called to do product plagiarism.

Big profit

The snack business is a business that promises great profits. There are many successful entrepreneurs in the field of snacks. Call it Gazan, the owner of "Zanana". Zanana is a snack in the form of banana chips of various flavors that are very famous in Indonesia.

Besides Zanana, there are other examples such as macaroni products Kirun Makarun, Macaroni Ngehe, Makarina, Macaroni Bonju, and others. That's an example of a variety of successful snack entrepreneurs.

How? Still hesitant for the snack business?