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Types – Types of Digital Marketing

Lately the business world is growing rapidly. This makes the owners of companies, organizations or even individuals compete massively to market their brand or product in many ways.

As the business world develops, it also develops more modern and creative marketing techniques. One of them is through digital platforms, such as the utilization of internet media and social media.

Who needs to use this digital marketing facility?

Almost all products and services can be promoted through digital marketing techniques. For example when we are googling and searching for a health themed article, we can be redirected to a web healthcare service provider.

Similarly, it applies to all products and services, such as food products, beverages, a MSMEs, startups and others.

Then what exactly is this digital marketing technique and how is the marketing strategy?  For more details let's take a look at the following review

Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the marketing strategy of a product carried out by an individual, company or an organization through digital media. As we know today the internet and social media are no longer foreign to some people, even almost everyone uses the facility.

This is then utilized by the owners of the company or individuals to promote their products.  Due to its broader reach this way is often considered the most effective and quick way to attract potential consumers to increase the number of sales of a particular product.

The world of digital marketing has many types and characteristics of each. To make it easier to understand the following full explanation

Types of Digital Marketing

1. Search Engine Optimization ( SEO)

As we know that the main purpose of SEO is an effort to optimize a site or website at the top, or at least feel on the first page of the search engine by using certain keywords.

There are two kinds of SEO techniques, namely SEO On Page and SEO Off Page. The difference between the two is in the strategy carried out for optimization of a website. Read : What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO on page is an optimization effort using strategies carried out on the pages owned that are useful to influence rankings in search engines.  There are actually many important points to note in this SEO on Page.

One example is the proper use of keywords to create an effective title. In addition, in terms of content is also no less important, because we are required to create a content that is not boring to read, with the addition of unique and good images so that a content looks more interesting.

Unlike ON Page SEO, SEO Off Page is a technique that is done to optimize a website or blog from the outside.  The way that can be done for example by sharing social media links such as Facebook, Twitter and others.

2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM itself is a digital marketing technique where the focus of marketing is on search engine pages, this way is done by optimizing the content of a website to be easily found in search machines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on.

There are many types of Search Engine Marketing, some of which are Crawler-based search engines, Directories, Hybrid Search Engines, and Pay Per Click.  Each has different characteristics.

Crawler-based search engines are search engine services that use automated software programs to separate and categorize a web page. An example as we have known all this time is Google.

Then Directory, a service that involves humans as an editor.  The editor will manually check a web based on the information obtained.

Some directories offer paid services so that a website can be quickly indexed quickly. But there is also a free note that the index process takes longer than a paid directory.

Then about Hybrid Search Engine can be explained briefly as a service that combines Crawler-based techniques with Directories

The last is pay per-click service is a marketing method in the form of advertising provided by Google Ad Word that is specifically for businesses that already have a website. Simply put, advertisers pay publishers a certain amount if their ads are clicked on by visitors.

This method is done through the bidding system of a specific keyword so that the paid ads you create can appear at the top of the google search page.

The advantages of advertising with this method is very relaxing because the ads you make are not only displayed in the search engine section of Google but also in some websites that give access to google to put ads.

Unlike other advertising facilities, in this pay per-click method you can set your own budget on a monthly or daily basis, so as not to experience over budget. The higher your budget, the more often your ads will appear.

3. Content Marketing

Nowadays, there are many digital marketing actors who realize how much the benefits of using content marketing to support their marketing strategy.  Content marketing can be said as a medium that can directly convey the characteristics of a product to consumers through content media.

Content marketing is interpreted as a content marketing strategy that focuses on planning or creating and distributing a code in order to attract readers who are likely to have the opportunity to become consumers.

Most content marketing is usually packaged in textual concepts that lead to hard selling and soft selling methods by describing the advantages of a product. Because creating an interesting content that contains a detailed review of a product is very necessary in this strategy.

Unfortunately, not all businesses master quality and interesting content creation techniques. So some of them entrust their content to an SEO article writer service

People who enjoy the content you offer both on the Internet and on social media, will automatically connect more closely with the products you offer.  With the addition of links related to the product described people will be connected to the website page of the product in question.

Thus increasing the possibility that a web will be visited by potential visitors as consumers of your product.

4. Email Marketing

Reported from Wikipedia the definition of email marketing is an act or activity to send commercial messages such as promos, offers of a product, discounts, and so on to a group of potential customers using email media.

In the world of digital marketing utilizing email list for marketing media can be a way that is no less effective than both types of digital marketing above. This is because emails sent directly to the customer's box can be read directly by the owner of the email.

In addition, email marketing can be an opportunity to always connect personally with potential customers continuously. There are several types of email marketing such as direct email and email retention.

Direct email is a new message sent to an email containing a promotional message, in the form of a text message or a link linked to a website or social media from a product. While retention email itself applies to customers who have been connected for a long time, in order to stay in good relationships, as well as as a medium of bidding if there is a new offer.

Broadly speaking, the use of email marketing techniques is very useful, in addition to cost savings also save time.  Efficiently we can reach the customers in a short time in person directly email them.

5. Social Media Marketing

From the name it is predictable that this type of marketing is a type of marketing that relies on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others as promotional media. The amount of public interest in using social media becomes an opportunity for product owners to take advantage of this facility.

The power of social media as a means of promotion is certainly beyond doubt. By reaching customers through social media allows you to communicate with customers through unique features provided by a particular social media, such as mutually reciprocated messages in the comment field and others.

This is almost the same as word of mouth promotion, which distinguishes if using social media you can add some other features such as images or videos to make your content more interesting.

6. Mobile Advertising

Nowadays cell phones are an inseparable tool in human life.  Therefore, advertisements began to appear that used mobile phones as the media.

Some examples of the use of mobile advertising on mobile phones can be advertisements that are delivered simply through sms and MMS features. Then there are also advertisements through internet media, when we open the internet by phone often we encounter some classified ads that connect us to web advertisers.

The selection of mobile advertising in the advertising process can help reach people more specifically. On the other hand, this method is an efficient and effective method because it can reduce advertising costs to obtain more maximum results.

7. Display Marketing

This marketing technique utilizes the form of visual advertising, packaged in an advertisement in the form of logos, photos, images and videos. A banner ad that you often see on the website is one example of display advertising.

Offline media display advertising is usually packed in the form of billboards and banners that are often installed on the side of the road. If you want to advertise online, you can contact the owner of the website that is relevant to the product you are marketing.

For example, if you want to circulate food or beverage products, you should contact a website that contains content related to food or beverages.  If you don't have enough time for it, you can take advantage of advertising services such as the Google Display Network.

8. Affiliate Marketing

This latter digital marketing technique in simple language is often referred to as a realtor or intermediary business.  This technique relies on sales with a commission system.

In this system it takes the services of others to sell the products that we have, with the agreement that we will pay or commission if the person succeeds in selling the products that we have. Several large marketplaces such as open stalls and Amazon also use this affiliate marketing system to increase their sales.

For you business people, who are experiencing constraints in the marketing and promotion process. Using digital marketing method as a means of promotion is an obligation.

This is because of the many benefits that will be obtained from these marketing techniques. For example, as is often mentioned above that all types of digital marketing has a very effective function to save time and cost of promotion.

In addition, the habits of modern society that often find out about the ins and outs and information about the product before buying it can also be used to build brand awareness through SEO content that connects it with the business website you have.

Coupled with the interaction directly with consumers through social media that becomes a plus to build public trust in the company or individual business you manage.

Like the following example, this message was spread by a mother and child spa service provider, through a group in a conversation on one of the social media.

Judging from the message above there is the inclusion of a website link from the owner of a spa house service for mothers and children that aims to attract consumers to open the website in question and see the number of promos and what types of services are offered.

The possibility of the public to open the link becomes an opportunity many times greater to increase customers so that the SPA services benefit from excess in terms of the economy.

In general, such a complete review of the sundry world of digital marketing that you need to know. Please also note that techniques in digital marketing can be used by anyone. Both those who already have a business and who are just about to start.

With the description of the types of digital marketing above is expected for actors and prospective businesses in order to obtain an overview of which types of marketing can be used and suitable to be applied in business. So that his business can develop optimally.