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Angkringan Business Success

Angkringan is a wheelbarrow to sell a wide variety of food and drinks by the roadside. Many young people spend their free time hanging out, especially at night. Eliminate fatigue or just hang out with his friends. Seeing this, it does not harm if you start Angkringan Business. 

Angkringan gaul business is very famous in Jogja. Thanks to its popularity, it's no wonder that you also find many Angkringan businesses in other areas. Angkringan entrepreneurs also profited a lot from this business.

What are the business opportunities like?

Most of the Angkringan is visited by young people. Even various communities are more comfortable hanging out in Angkringan with a crowded roadside nuance.

In addition, the prices of various menus in Angkringan tend to be cheap. So it is natural if people prefer to hang out in Angkringan than other places.

That's the reason why many people want to go into Angkringan business. Besides being attached to the hearts of young people, this effort is also very easy to do.

For now, Angkringan business opportunities are still very wide open. Angkringan has a distinctive feature compared to other hangout stall models. The most visible are the cart models and the menu served

This culinary effort is quite unique. The capital you need is also not very much. You also don't need a very spacious place. In fact, most Angkringan entrepreneurs put their businesses on the side of the road.


Preparation to Start Angkringan Business

I recommend that you do not rush into starting an angkringan business. Because for perfect results it is necessary to careful planning.

Preparation is very necessary before starting a successful Angkringan business, especially if you are a beginner. Careful preparation will help you in case of problems in the field. More than that, it also aims to launch your business.

The various preparations that you need to do are as follows:

1. Market Research

As the founder of a budding angkringan business, you need to do market research in advance. The purpose of market research is to conclude whether or not your angkringan is acceptable to the public. Because the right effort will benefit you.

Don't let you set up Angkringan in a place with a little young age population, because your target is the young people.

So no wonder if you will often find Angkringan in the crowd, because that's where many young people spend their free time to hang out or just hang out.

In addition, it is important that you see how many entrepreneurs are in your target area. The more entrepreneurs Angkringan, then the market competition is quite heavy. And vice versa.

Various other researches also need to be done, among others, the quality of the taste of the menu, place, decoration, and others.

2. Capital

Capital preparation is a very important thing you do, including operational cost planning.

Capital is very important because it becomes one of the determinants of the running of your Angkringan business. It does not take a lot of capital to start an Angkringan business. If totaled, you can simply provide a fee of 10 million - 15 million rupiah.

In general, the capital you provide is used to provide carts, various food and beverage menus, and for decoration costs including lighting.

What are the details like? Here I provide details of the costs to start this business.

Fixed Cost

Cart = IDR 1.500.000 - IDR 3.500.000
Glass 3 dozen = IDR 60.000
Spoon 3 dozen = IDR 45.000
Thermos ice = IDR 40.000
Fork = IDR 10.000
Nampan = 18,000
Spoon place = IDR 5.000
Rice place = IDR 20,000
Bucket = IDR 20.000
Trash = IDR 15.000

The total fixed cost that you need to prepare is IDR 1,733,000 - IDR 5,233,000. The fee does not include the rental of the place and decoration.

The various nominal prices listed above may vary from region to region. However, in general the items that you need to prepare I have listed above.

Variable Cost

LPG 3 kg IDR 18,000 * 3 = IDR 54,000
Charcoal IDR . 25.000 * 5 days = IDR 75.000
Thick sweet 3 cans = IDR 26.000
Sugar 2 kg = IDR 23.000
Coffee 1 kg = IDR 15,000
Ginger 1.5 kg = IDR 12.000
Ice cubes = IDR 10.000
Orange 1.5 kg = IDR 20.000
Tea 5 packs = IDR 8.000
Curly red chilli mix= IDR 8.000
Shallots 1/4 kilogram = IDR 6,000
Garlic 1/4 kilogram = IDR 4,000
Rice 5 kilograms = IDR 55,000
Tomato = IDR 4,000
Turmeric = IDR 2.000
Coriander = IDR 3.000
Pecans = IDR 3,000
Soy sauce 7 pcs = IDR 3.000
Quail Egg 1.5 kg = IDR 13.000
Chicken Offal = IDR 9.000
Egg 1.5 kg = IDR 18.000
Brown sugar = IDR 5,000
Tempeh = IDR 17.000
Know = IDR 11.000
Tape = IDR 5.000
Flour 1 kilogram = IDR 8,000
Rice Flour 1.5 kg = IDR 6.000 

The total variable cost you need to prepare is IDR 168,000 per day. If calculated for 1 month, then the cost you need is 30 * IDR 168.000 = IDR 5.040.000.

I recommend to prepare more capital before starting this Angkringan business. The above cost details are only generally estimated. In reality in the field the cost could have been more or even less.

3. Social Media

In the modern era, almost every entrepreneur uses social media as a way of introducing their business.

Don't let clueless, aka stuttering technology. Use social media as a way to attract Angkringan customers.

Various social media that you can use include Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

Usually, Instagram is becoming very popular to introduce different types of businesses. On Instagram you can show various photos related to Angkringan.

Give me interesting pictures. Show your Angkringan existence, so that people who see it are interested in visiting.

Various Menus in Angkringan

Do you want to start an Angkringan business? You should understand what menus are in Angkringan. This is so as not to damage the characteristics of the Angkringan itself.

However, you can also innovate so that your Angkringan is different from others.

The following menus are commonly served in Angkringan.

Food & Snacks

Sate Telur Puyuh
Nasi Kucing
Sate Jeroan Ayam
Aneka Gorengan
Sate Tempe
Sate Tahu
Ceker Ayam Bacem
Leher Ayam Bacem
Sayap Ayam Bacem


Susu Jahe Anget
Wedhang Jahe
Teh Anget
Jeruk Anget
Susu Anget
Es Jeruk
Es Teh
Es Susu

Tips for Successfully Running Angkringan Business

You've done a lot of preparation and that's when you start. This Angkringan effort will be successful if you mean it.

There are many business strategies that you can search for and learn from a variety of sources. But just a strategy is not enough. To improve the performance of your Angkringan business, here I present tips on successfully running an Angkringan business. 

1. Discipline

Discipline is very important for you to apply in all conditions, including running an Angkringan business.

Discipline means being able to obey all the rules that you have made yourself.

For example, when you provide information that Angkringan open at 19.00 WIB, then do not let you come past that time.

As much as possible you come before that hour, so that at the specified time your Angkringan is ready.

However, it is different when you want to close the Angkringan. Even if your plan closes at 00.00 WIB, but if there are still customers who have not moved, it is better to wait until they leave the premises.

In essence, the discipline you are referring to is to discipline yourself so that the business you do is running smoothly. 

2. Best Service

Be a good owner of Angkringan. Give it a smile when you serve its customers. It's even better if you're able to get along with them.

A lot of the angkringan owners I met, they were humble people. No longer consider other people's customers, but rather like their own relatives.

This is what will then give rise to the closeness between the customer and the seller. When it's close, they (customers) are no longer awkward to get close to your Angkringan. 

3. Recording

Make a recording so you know the results of the sale every day. The results of your notes can be used as evaluation material. 

4. Start and End with Prayer

Don't forget to pray every time you want to open Angkringan. Praying will facilitate all your affairs and facilitate your Angkringan efforts.

Pray also you need to do after you finish work as an expression of gratitude to God for the results you get.

5. Don't Abandon Innovation!

Innovating is very important you do, so that your Angkringan has a characteristic compared to other Angkringan.

The importance of innovation is to maintain your Angkringan business. In addition, your Angkringan will also be easily known by others.

The easier your business is known by others, the more crowded it will be. This is also a step in building your personal branding business. If it is well known, wherever you open an angkringan branch it will be easy to find customers.

Some things that you can innovate include the menu served, the way of service, or innovation in the form of a place. There could be many other innovations besides that.

But it's easier for you to innovat the menu you serve. Create a menu that will not be found in any Angkringan.

It will be an advantage for you if the unique menu you create is acceptable and provides attractiveness to customers. Surely they will easily return to your Angkringan.

Angkringan business is a type of culinary business with promising results because it still has wide open opportunities. Do various preparations before starting this business, to make your steps easier in the future.

Don't forget to keep trying and pray that you get satisfactory results.