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How to Become a Successful Freelancer

Hello man! Are you interested in being a freelancer? Freelancers or freelancers have a way of working not tied to long-term contracts. The working hours of a freelancer are also very flexible.

If you are interested in becoming a freelancer, in this article I want to share 5 ways to be a successful freelancer. 

What is Freelancer?

When it comes to freelancers, this job is different from employees in a company. If employees are paid and potentially contracted for long periods of time, that's not the case with freelancers.

Typically, a freelancer's work is digitally related, such as Graphic Design, Website Writer, Web Developer, Content Creator, Copy Writer, and so on. Therefore, to become a freelancer you need to have special skills.


Terms of Being a Freelancer

If you want to be a freelancer, of course you need to prepare yourself. Even though it has flexible space, it doesn't mean you don't have to prepare anything.

Well, I've collected various references about the requirements of a freelancer, namely as follows.

1. Have expertise in Certain Fields

The first thing you need to have if you want to be a freelancer is expertise in a particular field. Through high skill, you'll easily get a job. 

Simply put, how can anyone want to work with you, if you don't have the skills? At least, you have one special ability. For example, Graphic Design, Writing SEO Articles, Web Developers, and others.

2. Hard Worker

You need to know, the way online freelancers work is different from company employees. The income earned depends on how hard he works. That is, the income you earn is uncertain. Unlike employees who get a definite salary.

Therefore, you need to be a hard worker. Even if you have more free time, it doesn't mean you can just take it for granted. Instead, you need to work hard to quickly complete the project you've already got.

3. Time Management

Another important thing you need to pay attention to is time management. A freelancer has enough free time. However, if your timing is not right, it will interfere with your work.

Well, therefore, learn to manage the time. Don't let your job fall apart because you can't manage your time. By managing your time well, it's easy to complete projects as well as your personal work.

4. Financial Management

Why financial management? Of course it is. Being a freelancer, you have to be prepared not to get a job. That means on a day without work you won't have any income. Therefore, financial management is indispensable.

To make it easier to manage your finances, you can estimate your income per month. From there, you'll know how much you're supposed to spend each day.

5. Consistent

Keep in mind, even a freelancer works for a client. So, you can't work like that. Need consistency in work. Of course this is to improve your personal branding as a freelancer. 

How do I become a freelancer writer, programmer, designer or something else? To answer that, I want to share how to be a successful freelancer. There are five things you need to know, in addition to the conditions that have been described before, namely the following.

1. Personal Branding

You need to build personal branding to increase clients' interest in your abilities. It is not easy to build a personal branding. However, if you already have one, it's not hard to get clients. 

To help you build personal branding, try reading the article below.

Also Read: How to Build Personal Branding 

2. Portfolio

Portfolios are a testament if you're really an expert in the field you offer. This will add to your personal branding, and make clients interested in using your abilities.

3. Setting a Price

While it's quite confusing, you need to set a price for the services you provide. The easiest way is to look at the prices on freelancer sites. From there, you can take an average of each applicable rate.

4. Promotion

It already has personal branding, portfolios, and pricing. Now it's time for you to get promoted. One way you can do that is to join freelance sites. You can also join the Indonesian freelancer community on Facebook.

5. Job Management

After getting clients, do a good job management. This is to maintain the client's trust in your abilities. Do the work according to the agreements that have been made with the client and finish in a timely manner. 

That's all I can share about how to be a successful freelancer. After learning the various discourses I gave you, hopefully you will be more motivated to become a successful freelancer. Keep up the spirit and keep working hard!